Template letters

This is a selection of template letters that will be useful for you to use during your FtP and beyond.

Further Support

Links to organisations that we either work closely with or you might find useful. Bloom provides a really good app that can give you CBT techniques – has a 7-day free trial period so why not try it out Citizens Advice Bureau. Royal College of Nursing: free for RCN...

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Legislation behind the NMC

Consolidated text versions of NMC legislation The order Legislation Short description PDF link The Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 – consolidated text Establishes the NMC, sets out our primary purpose of protecting the public, the structure of the organisation and...

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Consent to Disclosure form

If we are assisting you with your case the NMC will require a consent form from you - ask them to email to you or copy and paste in a word document the text below and complete it that way ___________________________ Consent form for disclosure to representative  ...

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Revalidation FAQs

NMC Revalidation Frequently Asked Questions People get referred to the NMC for not completing revalidation properly - some with allegations of deliberately trying to deceive either employer or NMC. Here is a guide on revalidation adapted from the NMC site.   When...

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Subject Access Request Letter

Letter template [Your full address] [Phone number and email ] [The date] [Name and address of the organisation] Dear Sir or Madam Subject access request [Your full name, PIN number and case reference number )  Please supply the data about me that I am entitled to...

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