NMC Revalidation Frequently Asked Questions
People get referred to the NMC for not completing revalidation properly – some with allegations of deliberately trying to deceive either employer or NMC.
Here is a guide on revalidation adapted from the NMC site.
When does revalidation come into effect?
It applies to all nurses and midwives who renew their registration on or after 1 April 2016.
What is revalidation?
Revalidation will be how nurses and midwives demonstrate to the NMC that they continue to practice safely and effectively, and can remain on the register. To revalidate, every nurse and midwife will have to declare to the NMC that they are meeting the standards of the revised NMC code, receive confirmation from an appropriate confirmer that this is true, and be able to offer evidence which shows how this has been achieved.
What is the difference between revalidation and re-registration?
Each year a nurse is required to submit an annual payment to NMC to maintain registration status. Revalidation occurs every 3 years and requires all nurses to submit evidence to remain on the register
How do I know when my revalidation date is?
You need to register with NMC online to find out.
You must keep your NMC account personal details up-to-date so that the NMC can contact you with updates.
The NMC will notify you at least 60 days before your application is due, either by email if you have set up an NMC Online account, or by letter sent to your registered address.
What do I need to do to revalidate?
You need to provide evidence of the following in the 3 years preceding your revalidation date to show you are keeping up to date and maintaining safe and effective practice:
- Evidence of 450 hours OR 900 hours of practice if you have dual registration (adult & paediatric nursing and/or midwifery) which you wish to maintain.
- Undertake 35hours of Continuing Professional Development(CPD) of which 20 hours must be participatory
- Received five pieces of practice-related feedback.
- Prepare five pieces of reflective accounts.
- You must have had a reflective discussion with another NMC registered nurse or midwife covering your five reflective accounts
- Provide a health and character declaration.
If I am dual registered, how many practice hours do I need to undertake?
The NMC provides the following guidance:
Demonstrate to an appropriate person(confirmer)that you have met all of the revalidation requirements.
A specialist community public health nurse (SCPHN) is a registered nurse or midwife registered in the Specialist Community Public Health Nurses’ part of the register.
The NMC was asked for clarification of this by the source of the article (NHBTS), and they have confirmed that the register falls essentially into Nursing or Midwifery
Any nursing qualification will fall under the Nursing part of the register; therefore, even multiple entries (RGN, RSCN) only require 450 practice hours.
You only require an additional 450 hours if you have midwifery in addition to nursing, classed as dual registered.
The revalidation hours for nursing do not necessarily need to be in a particular area, i.e. child nursing registration revalidation hours do not necessarily need to be in a children’s area.
If you are dual registered, you must confirm your practice hour requirements, and discuss this with your line manager/confirmer as necessary.
I work within a management or educational role with little direct care. Do I need to undertake clinical shifts to meet my practice hours?
No, you must meet your practice hours in a role where you rely on your skills, knowledge and experience as a registered nurse or midwife. If your role requires you to have an NMC registration to carry out your responsibilities then you are meeting your scope of practice in that role. This may include consultancy, education, management, policy, direct clinical care, quality assurance or inspection and research
Who can provide me with 3rd party practice-related feedback?
What do my reflective accounts need to cover?
Apart from attending study days how else can I undertake participatory CPD?
Participatory learning includes any learning activity in which you interact with other people. It is an activity undertaken with one or more professionals or in a larger group setting. The group does not always need to meet in a common physical environment, such as a study group or conference. It could be a group in a virtual environment (such as an online discussion group). The professionals you engage with through participatory learning do not have to be healthcare professionals.
Attending formal study days is just one way, but examples of participatory learning in your day-to-day work may include peer review, coaching and mentoring, clinical supervision, practice visits and group or team meetings where you can evidence professional development.
The participatory requirement helps to challenge professional isolation by requiring learning through engagement and communication with others.
You will need to keep a record of each activity, how much time you invested in it and how it relates to the Code.
Can I use my Mandatory Training as evidence of CPD?
You can only use mandatory training if it is directly related to your scope of practice as a nurse or midwife. For example, fire or health and safety training should not be included.
Only mandatory training that is necessary to your scope of practice and professional development as a nurse (for example, CPR or safeguarding training) should be included.
Can I undertake my professional discussion over the telephone?
Feedback can come from various sources, including patients, service users, students and colleagues. Feedback can be informal or formal, written or verbal. It could be specific feedback about you as an individual, or feedback about the whole ward, team or organisation. You need to demonstrate how you have used it to improve your practice. These reflective accounts should refer to an instance of your CPD, a piece of practice-related feedback you have received, and/or an event or experience in your professional practice, and how this relates to the Code. You need to use the NMC form to capture your reflective accounts and they must not include any personal data
The discussion must be a face-to-face conversation, but it can be conducted by video conferencing. You can decide the most appropriate person to have this conversation with. Complete the NMC form and keep a paper version of it (not electronic) as it will contain the personal data of another NMC registrant. You will not be asked to submit this form as part of revalidation but your confirmer must be assured this has occurred.
Do I need to have a Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS) – formally a Criminal Records Bureau, check to confirm my character?
No. This is unchanged from the current process. Your health and character declaration is sufficient
How do I know if I have appropriate Professional Indemnity arrangements?
If you are employed by the NHS, you will already have an appropriate indemnity arrangement. The NHS insures its employees for work carried out on its behalf.
If you work in the private sector you will need to check with your HR department about your indemnity arrangement.
If you are working independently you will need to take out your indemnity insurance.
If you work part-time in the NHS or private sector but also work independently, you will need insurance to cover both settings for the individual work you do and be working under that insurance in that setting. It is your responsibility to ensure insurance is in place NOT your employers. So check this and DO NOT ASSUME it is in place as the NMC will sanction you if not in place.
When you revalidate online, you will need to declare that you have met this requirement. You are not required to submit any other evidence.
Further information is available from the NMC (www.nmc.org.uk/registration/staying- on-the-register/professional-indemnity-arrangement/)
I have a portfolio in folders with handwritten notes. Can I use this for revalidation?
You can keep paper-based documents but your revalidation submission will be via the NMC electronic system. If you are asked to submit additional evidence to the NMC to verify your revalidation requirements, you may need to scan any paper documents into an electronic format.
Will I be asked to submit my evidence?
You will not need to submit any of your evidence documents when you revalidate, but you will need to state that you have completed all of the revalidation requirements.
You will only need to submit your evidence documents if the NMC contacts you requesting this, so you must keep these documents safe.
I have received a police caution or been committed for a crime since my last revalidation. I Informed the NMC at the time, do I still have to declare it?
YES, You must declare if you have been convicted of any criminal offence or issued with a formal caution.
If my FtP case is over and I don’t currently have any sanction do I have to declare it?
You will be asked to declare if you have been subject to any adverse determination that your fitness to practise is impaired by a professional or regulatory body.
You do not have to declare if you have had a No Case to Answer but if you have EVER had any sanction at any time or been deemed as having past misconduct but no sanction YOU MUST DECLARE “YES” on this section. If you are unsure ring the NMC and get advice but request email confirmation of this advice in case you are challenged about this. This applies if you have been struck off but won at appeal – you must still declare “Yes”.
What happens if I am asked to verify my application?
Each year a sample of nurses and midwives will be asked to provide further information to verify their revalidation requirements. If you are selected you should be contacted by e-mail within 24 hours of submitting your application and making your payment. Although your registration will not lapse during this verification process, your registration will not be renewed until this process is complete. This process can take three months to complete. You must ensure you have all documents available.
The NMC may also directly contact your confirmer, manager, or reflective discussion partner for further information – you must ensure that they are aware that if they do not respond to requests for additional information your revalidation application is at risk.
This verification process will be completed within three months of your renewal date.
If the NMC identify that you have not complied with the revalidation requirements, or you submit fraudulent information, your registration might be at risk.
I’ve looked at all the information and it seems like too much work, is there an easier way of revalidating?
No, every nurse must take personal responsibility for revalidation. Breaking the process down into parts and collecting evidence regularly will make it part of your usual practice. The key is to start preparing now.
What if I don’t revalidate?
Your registration will lapse and you will not legally be entitled to work as a registered nurse or midwife.
Are there templates to use for revalidation?
Yes, they can be found here.
There are many resources, here are a few:
My manager is not an NMC registrant. Can they confirm my evidence?
Yes, your confirmer does not need to be an NMC registrant.
However, if they are not NMC registered, they cannot perform the professional discussion. They can only do the confirmation.
I undertake two separate roles and have two managers, does each manager need to confirm my evidence?
You only need to obtain one confirmation. You can decide which line manager is most appropriate to provide confirmation. It is recommended that you obtain confirmation and undertake a professional discussion where possible through the line manager you undertake most of your work.
Should the confirmation be done at the same time as the PDPR?
Ideally yes, this can be done at the same time but does not have to be. However, confirming for revalidation must not be confused with a review of performance or fitness to practice. It is simply confirming that the evidence has been collated.
What happens if my manager doesn’t confirm in time for my submission date?
Revalidation is the responsibility of every nurse or midwife and therefore you need to ensure you plan time and opportunities in the 12 months leading up to your revalidation date to meet all requirements. Your registration will not be renewed if all the evidence is not submitted together and in time.
What happens if someone fails revalidation or does not feel they have enough evidence to submit their revalidation application on time?
Revalidation is the responsibility of every nurse or midwife under exceptional circumstances you can request an extension. However, you must do so well in advance of your revalidation date by contacting the NMC directly and have good reason to do so. You can appeal against any decision of failure of revalidation within 28 days from the date of the NMC letter. This must be done in writing. The right of appeal is only available if you have submitted and paid your fee. If you do not submit anything and fail to pay you do not have a right of appeal. Whilst your appeal is being heard you will not be able to practice as a registered nurse.
I no longer wish to maintain my registration because my job no longer requires one or I am due to retire. How do I cancel my registration?
If you are due your revalidation you can inform NMC online at the time of revalidation. If you make a decision in between revalidation dates you need to complete an ‘application to lapse your registration form’. If having cancelled and later wish to resume your registration go to www.nmc.org.uk/registration/returning- to-the-register. Note that if receiving pay as a nurse whilst on maternity, sick or annual leave you need to maintain your registration throughout this period.
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