What we offer
What NMCWatch does
We know it can be hard. Nurses and Midwives subject to Fitness to Practice Proceedings can often feel isolated. We seek to offer them emotional and peer support alongside legal guidance.
We aim to empower registrants to make the right choices
We support them through their decision-making process
Support services

Peer support group
Free online support to nurses and midwives via a closed Facebook page.
Peer support for those suffering from the effects of the process.
Linking to others in the same geographical area to give local support.
Signposting to other organisations that can assist.
SUpport services

Buddy scheme
This support scheme aims to reduce the isolation and take the fear out of talking about the FtP process.
Nurses and midwives can discuss their experiences confidentially with our Buddies, who have been through the process themselves and fully understand the impact.
Case support

Advocacy & Care
Our Advocacy program supports and guides you throughout the FtP process and helps you present your case effectively.
We also represent and advocate on your behalf when needed.

Your donations enable us to:
- Pay expenses (travel & accommodation) for one of our group to accompany the registrant to High Court Appeals, hearings, or meetings as Mckenzie Friend.
- Mentor through writing reflections and preparing documentary evidence for the case.
- Attend disciplinary hearings with the registrant.
- Liaise with the NMC and other organisations to troubleshoot blockers.
- Represent and advocate at NMC hearings if funds allow.
- Offer hardship loans – on a basis of the registrant paying back to the fund once circumstances change.
- Campaign for improvements to the FtP process and support beyond case closure.
- Provide access to training for those out of work.