who we are
About NMCWatch
NMCWatch seeks to support registered nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals going through Fitness to Practice (FtP) investigations by their regulator.
Historically this cohort has been isolated from their peers, at risk of mental health issues and deprived of being able to work in their chosen profession.
Through our support, we aim to build self-esteem and self-worth by sharing knowledge and experience from others who have been through the process.

We believe that ALL registrants should be able to engage in the FtP process and not disengage when faced with financial hardship or lack of legal support
We aim to empower registrants to make the right choices
We support them through their decision-making process

We are committed to improving practice and workplace culture by positively encouraging registrants to reflect on and improve their practice.
We make no judgement about individual cases, but we are not here to enable poor practice in our profession.

We promote a culture of learning rather than blame.
We believe that those who cannot learn from their mistakes, are not prepared to move forward positively, who pose a serious risk to public safety, should be removed from the workplace by FtP investigations.

We believe that all registrants should have their human rights respected, should be treated as innocent until proven guilty, and should be treated fairly and equally by anyone supporting the NMC’s case.
what we think
Our mission
NMCWatch was established in 2017 to provide support to nurses, midwives, and associated healthcare professionals who find themselves the subject of investigations ...
Our philosophy
We support each other and share our experiences and strengths ...
what we are doing
Our two main aims
1. To provide short-term individual support to registrants involved in the FtP process.
2. To work to improve the FtP process so that there is less need for our individual support.
why we are here
Statement of purpose
We provide a non-judgmental support, advice and advocacy service for all Nurses, Midwives and Nursing associates regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
We started as an informal support group and this service will continue, however, we now provide a more formalised service to anyone who seeks it ...
Who we are
Meet the CiC
Our directors and executive committee bring many years experience to NMCWatch.
Our Admin team
All our services need admins and secretaries who deal with day-to-day issues.