who we are

Our philosophy

NMCWatch is a supportive Community Interest Company (CIC) comprised of nurses, midwives and nursing associates as well as some allied healthcare professionals.

We support each other and share our experiences and strengths.

We do this to improve the negative impacts of Fitness to Practice processes and the trauma from referral and restoration proceedings.

We support those who have returned to their profession or vocation and remain damaged or traumatised by their experiences.

The only requirement to join NMCWatch is that you are a healthcare professional, on or off the register, and that you need the support services we offer. Evidence may be asked for.

We promise to challenge any unfairness or mistreatment sensitively, and we respect all our members.

There are no fees to join, and NMCWatch supports itself through fundraising. We do not endorse or associate with any outside organisation unless we agree they share our aims.

In order to maintain an objectiveness towards the issues raised by our activities, we are not affiliated with any religious or political organisation.

All posts on our support group page will be related to our purpose and any that are not relevant will be removed so as to not distract or dilute our aims.

Because of the group’s informality and voluntary basis, if NMCWatch does not meet any members’ needs, we will always help signpost and support any member to find more detailed, suitable and professional support. We are here to help each other as best we can.

Conflict within the group will be dealt with neutrally and professionally with the Safeguarding lead ensuring harm or potential harm is not caused.

Although the aim of NMCWatch is to deal with matters professionally and in a caring manner, we are a non-professional legal entity.

We aim to promote unity of purpose by avoiding the controversy of being polarised by any outside matters.

Any members repeatedly not supporting our philosophy and purpose will be given the opportunity to do so, but ultimately removed from the group if the issues persist.

Our primary purpose is to support nurses and midwives and move towards creating the required pressure to encourage the nursing regulators (and any of their associates) to treat nurses and midwives better.

what we think

Our mission

NMCWatch was established in 2017 to provide support to nurses, midwives, and associated healthcare professionals who find themselves the subject of investigations ...

what we are doing

Our two main aims

1. To provide short-term individual support to registrants involved in the FtP process.

2. To work to improve the FtP process so that there is less need for our individual support.

why we are here

Statement of purpose

We provide a non-judgmental support, advice and advocacy service for all Nurses, Midwives and Nursing associates regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

We started as an informal support group and this service will continue, however, we now provide a more formalised service to anyone who seeks it ...

Who we are

Meet the CiC

Our directors and executive committee bring many years experience to NMCWatch.

Our Admin team

All our services need admins and secretaries who deal with day-to-day issues.