The NMC Annual report for 2021 – 2022:
- 5,291 new concerns
- 3,843 closed and not investigated
- 1,448 investigated
- £42 million spent to investigate these nurses
- Annual fees are £120 – that is an excessive number of registrants fees used for this purpose
- NMC staff turnover has increased to 11.8%
- NMC staff that left within 6 months increased to 14.3%
Our code of conduct states four pillars: prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety, and promote professionalism and trust.
Why does the NMC not have to abide by the same rules?
Recording of Suicides whilst under investigation:
The NMC only started recording this data in 2019, many years behind other regulators.
2021–2022: 3 recorded instances
2020–2021: no instances;
2019–2020: 1 instance
2015/16 – 2019: 15 instances (5 per year)
We need more answers:
At what point during investigation did they die by suicide?
How many registrants under investigation attempted suicide or did self-harm?
What assessments did the NMC make to safeguard them?
What lessons were learnt and shared?
£42 million – how does this compare with other healthcare regulators?!