Articles of relevance

You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs

Can you dismiss a whistleblower for a breakdown in the relationships that follows whistleblowing?

Suspended: nurse obsessed with accessing people’s medical records

NMC sanctions Band 6 nurse Elizabeth Ashton for looking up records of relatives, neighbours and a colleague – when none of them was in her care.

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The NMC is still failing with FtP.

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Mental Health First Aid

Nine members of NMCWatch are now mental health first aiders. We qualified in 2023 via the MHFA course. This was funded by our Buddy Scheme, and is a great addition to the support we can offer NMCWatch members.

Vassanta Suddock – a true  inspiration

Today I found out the sad news that Vassanta has died. I met Vassanta when I was going through my own Fitness to Practice process and it was she who inspired me to have the courage to appeal against my strike-off. She was tenacious, skilled and so knowledgeable in all...

Voluntary or Agreed Removal – podcast

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