First published Oct 2020 – updated Sept 2022
An “analysis of the interplay of the NMC’s legislative powers with the ‘right to privacy’ under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) should be considered”
Some considerations should be thought of with this area in relation to data protection and disclosure of information in the name of “public interest”
there is no specific obligation to publish or disclose details of hearings in advance of the hearing concluded
potential breach of Article 8 of the ECHR protects the right to respect the private life of individuals. The ECHR is given effect in the UK by the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA). Section 6 of the HRA provides that public authorities must comply with ECHR rights
Public bodies must always balance the competing rights to privacy and free expression between the public and the registrant.
Many of those under investigation find it difficult to secure employment even if they have no interim order, whilst investigation takes place. An investigation can take anything up to 15 months which may leave the registrant financially compromised and professionally damaged. Many even struggle to gain work as support workers/healthcare assistants.
Many registrants at the end of their investigation receive a “no case to answer” and yet there is no recourse to claim back salaries lost. ( from those that responded to a survey of our members, 23% of those that received NCTA did not continue in the profession )
Registrants may have full details of the case against them published in local newspapers before they have had an opportunity to defend, prove innocence or give explanations as to legitimate mistakes. These are often media-hyped against a backlog of sensationalised headlines designed to sway the public interest against “killer nurse” or ” murdering midwife”. Whilst freedom of the press is not under the jurisdiction of the NMC more could be done to respect the privacy of the nurse or midwife.
Sarkodei-Gyan [2009] strike-off was overruled due to “procedural irregularities”. The committee had wrongly combined the fact-finding stage with the impairment stage. The court emphasised that in a health case, it was still necessary for the committee to apply the three-stage process of fact-finding, impairment, and, if appropriate, sanction.
Haywood, M (2009) assisted in a Panorama program in which undercover widespread neglect of elderly patients was struck off the nursing register. After Unite, her union, stepped in to assist. The NMC failed to acknowledge mistakes were made and the decision was too extreme but settled by mutual consent before the case went to court but the NMC failed to exonerate her completely adding a caution order to her record. This was one of the first cases of whistleblowing and the only referral source of the complaint to the NMC was the NHS trust that Ms Haywood raised concerns about. Her strike-off order was reduced to a 1-year caution at appeal
Jatta, B (2009) overturned his sanction at appeal whereby the High Court judge described his case as “truly tragic” quoting his “exemplary working record” as context for more leniency
Ogbonna (2010) overturned her strike off by the NMC
Raheem ( 2010) The High Court quashed the Striking off Order and referred back to a new CCC panel. The NMC notice of hearing had been returned unopened. However, the panel had undertaken a cursory assessment of whether to proceed in the absence of the practitioner, and such an approach was unlawful.
Sharp ( 2011 ) The judge in this appeal made interesting observations that the panel should not do “their own detective work” and in doing so made a “considerable error”. It served as a reminder that panels should not step outside the boundaries of the evidence presented to them.
BR (2012) the appeal was allowed as the NMC made an unlawful breach of the Claimant’s substantive legitimate expectation that she had no case to answer in relation to the allegations. The judge considered it disproportionate and unfair for the case to be re-examined
Duthie, J (2012) won her appeal at the High Court who stated that the NMC failed to give adequate rationale for their decision-making.
Fabiyi ( 2012) The nurse was found guilty of dishonesty & struck off. The appeal judge ordered a retrial due to inadequate particulars being given in the charges and inappropriate legal directions being given to the adjudicating panel.
Fuyans (2012) the appeal was allowed and the strike-off order replaced with a one-year suspension order
Musonza ( 2012) As a self litigant the nurse was successful in overturning a strike-off order, made in her absence, at a private hearing. The court held that the NMC had not given sufficient warning that the nurse should take legal advice and be represented, because of the potential outcomes. Also, there was a failure to sufficiently take into account the nurse’s evidence as it related to one of the allegations
Perry (2012) The appeal was allowed and the interim suspension order was replaced with a conditions of practice
“R” on behalf of “B” (2012) The registrant submitted that the IC’s action in overturning its earlier decision fell outside the very limited power of a professional regulatory body to correct its own mistakes. She argued in the alternative that by setting aside its previous decision, the NMC acted in breach of her procedural and substantive legitimate expectation that she could rely on the original decision.
Johnson and Maggs (2013), finally gained justice – following strike-off in 2007. It was duly accepted by the NMC that the delays violated the rights of the Registrants under Article 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights to a hearing within a reasonable time.
Okeke ( 2013) Justice Leggat questioned whether the NMC could ever make a striking-off order solely on the basis of a lack of competence. Quashed and remitted to a new panel for rehearing
McDaid, B (2013) successfully won her appeal against strike-off in the High Court. Accusations involved breaching confidentiality, dishonesty, unprofessional, aggressive behaviour and sending ‘aggressive and inappropriate correspondence to various individuals’. McDaid whistle blew against her trust.
Amao ( 2014) The nurse was struck-off the register. It was held at the high court that the information which emerged regarding the witnesses having given inaccurate evidence made it incumbent upon the Panel to tread carefully. This case acts as yet another warning to those involved in hearings where registrants are unrepresented. The Court allowed the appeal, quashed the decision to strike off and declined to remit the matter (which would involve a greater sanction than the period of suspension as had already undergone as a result of the interim suspension order).
Ellingham, L (2014) – the nursing press highlighted her problems with the impact of undergoing FtP despite being cleared “A spokeswoman said the regulator also worked to encourage the media to follow through cases and report the outcome where nurses were found not guilty.” To date, no article has been published in the mainstream press following an NMC outcome of no case to answer or of being overturned at High Court. There have neither been no statements released from the NMC on their comments on successful appeal cases.
“D ( 2014)” was a self-litigant and was able to prove to the High Court that the representation given at hearing was inadequate and thus the court quashed the strike-off order
Isaghehi (2014). As a self litigant was able to persuade the court to quash the strike-off order and replace it with a suspension order.
Lavis (2014) Justice Cobb found the panel lacked objectivity and did not place caution and had misapplied the GHOSH test. Conclusions were made about the midwife’s state of mind when writing contemporaneous notes which were misleading.
Thorneycroft (2014) the judge helped to clarify the position as to when it is appropriate to proceed in the absence of the Registrant and what considerations it will be necessary for a Panel to bear in mind when admitting the statements of absent witnesses. The case served as a reminder that in Fitness to Practise proceedings the Panel is the arbiter of both fact and law and as such it is not appropriate for questions as to the relevance and admissibility of evidence to be taken by Legal Assessors or Care Presenters on their behalf.
White (2014) this case came about during the Francis inquiry, key aspects in relation to submission and acceptance of anonymous hearsay evidence and the impact on whistleblowers
Suddock, V (2015) managed to win her appeal against numerous charges which struck her off the nursing register. She was reinstated but has been unable to secure employment since due to the impact the process has had and the reputable harm. She attempted to take the NMC to court over defamation of character as a result but sadly lost as the NMC are protected against prosecution of this type by legislation which dates back to William of Orange – she is campaigning to change the Absolute Privilege Law. Absolute Privilege is described as being a law which; ” Absolute privilege is one that immunizes an actor from suit, no matter how wrongful the action might be, and even though it is done with an improper motive. This privilege protects its holder from all harms arising from any action or inaction.” Until this law is changed it is unlikely that wrongful pursuit of cases changes
Daly, J(2015) successfully self-litigated in the Court of Session, Scotland and overturned the NMC’s decision to suspend her.
Enemuwe, Doris ( 2015). Mr Justice Holman quashed the Committee’s finding that Ms Enemuwe’s fitness to practise was impaired, as well as the sanction of a twelve-month caution order
Amanda Jenkinson (2009 – 2019) had to wait 10 years after her criminal conviction was overturned in 2009 to get her strike-off order from the NMC revoked. `Unison who represented her described it as a landmark case. Despite having no intention of working again this nurse was determined to clear her name
Wisniewska (2016). Striking off order replaced with 12-month suspension. This decision highlights that the primary function of a sanction is not punitive, but is intended to protect the public and wider public interest. Additionally, the court’s decision makes clear that mitigation must be considered at the relevant stages; a failure to do so may amount to a serious irregularity. Further, the court noted that although offences of dishonesty are undoubtedly serious, the return to practice of a highly skilled nurse may also be in the public interest.
Hindmarch(2016) won at appeal also with the judge criticising the provenience placed on previous investigations and the importance of contextual factors. The NMC was ordered to pay considerable costs
Kamberova (2016) the impact of a long suspension period must be taken into account when deciding on proportionate sanctions. Interim orders must be taken into account for the full length and type of sanction. Justice Dingemans set aside the sanction imposed by the Committee and remitted the issue of sanction back to the Committee. In doing so, Mr Justice Dingemans stated that the Committee when re-determining the issue of sanction should have regard both to the period of interim suspension before the Committee’s determination in December 2015, and the period of suspension pending the appeal. The case also highlights issues with the wording of the sanction guidance
“LM” (2016) The High Court allowed the appeal against a striking-off order imposed at a review hearing and expresses concern about the content of the Notice of Review hearing letter. The case was remitted to a different panel for review
Annon, P ( 2017 ) The appeal judge felt that the Committee had been unjustly harsh in their approach to the Registrant’s evidence.
Watters, C (2017) won her appeal in part in the High Court as a self-litigant, opening up critique of the NMC’s sanction guidance and that it needed to be more tailored to individual cases
Lusinga in 2017 also won the appeal in the High Court with the high court judge being highly critical of the decision-making and sanction guidance used by the NMC
El Karout, K (2019 ) won her appeal in the High Court as a self-litigant and quashed the strike-off order in full. The judge was highly critical of both the local investigation and the admissibility of hearsay evidence by the NMC, as well as the way the NMC communicated with the trust investigated to build a case. Three charges have been referred back to a new panel to hear, with strong guidance from Justice Spencer that quashing of these would be favourable. The judge also raised that an “enhanced standard of proof” should have been sought because of the criminal acquittal and not just reliance on the same evidence. The case is due to be reheard in December 2019 – 4 1/2 years after the original allegations.
In February 2019 – the high court overturned the Interim Suspension orders of 7 nurses, out of 19 suspended from the trust in total. The judge ruled that the trust had failed to provide the NMC with enough evidence to support the allegations
El Karout, K (2020) – Kat returned to the high court to challenge the 6 months suspension imposed after a SOR committee reviewed the findings of Justice Spencer from 2019. The judge here replaced the suspension with a shorter term of 4 months. Kat still is attempting to secure her PIN back from the NMC despite this now lapsing – nearly 6 years after the original incident.
X v NMC ( Sept 2021), Represented by Kings View Chambers
Kings View successfully overturned a nurse’s striking-off order using an NMC internal mechanism for review. This is thought to be the first application in many years. When the nurse, midwife or nursing associate makes an application to review a striking-off order, the NMC will consider the merits of the application. If the evidence submitted as part of the application is evidence that was not available at the time of the original hearing and could have made a real difference to the panel’s final decision, then the NMC will refer the application to a Fitness to Practise Committee and that hearing will follow the same procedure as that of a restoration hearing right to request a review is laid down in the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 Article 30, paragraph 7 which outlines:
“Where new evidence relevant to a striking-off order becomes available after the making of the order, the Fitness to Practise Committee may review it and article 33(4) to (8) shall apply as if it were an application for restoration made under that Article.”