
Get in touch

Whether you are looking for help or just want to find out more, please use this page to find what you need or contact our team.

We do respond to all queries, but due to staff shortages, this isn’t always as quickly as we’d like to. Thank you for your patience.


You may find what you’re looking for quicker in our Frequently Asked Questions.


There is a lot of supporting information on this site. This includes template letters, contact details for other organisations and media articles about all things FtP.

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What we do

How we can help

Buddy Scheme

A 1-2-1 service that aims to reduce the isolation and take the fear out of the FtP process.

Buddies are assigned from the same registry level and have concluded their own FtP cases.

Up to 10 hours to explore the impact and develop coping strategies.

Signposting for legal advice and other specific support areas, including financial.

Legal Advocacy

Following the success of our Advocacy Programme pilot, we have secured a long-term plan for assisting with fitness to practice cases.

This is in response to the many registrants who have no other options available or have found the alternatives have given them unsatisfactory results.

Peer Support Group

  • Free online support to nurses and midwives via a closed Facebook page.
  • Peer support to those suffering from the effects of the process.
  • Linking to others in the same geographical area to give local support.
  • Signposting to other organisations which can assist.